Play a unique and multidisciplinary role in the artificial intelligence revolution in a profoundly changing global landscape


Because you need a company that has ambition

Created in 2012, U-Need is a digital services company present throughout France and internationally. All of its activities focus exclusively on digital transformation and management, Data and AI.

Our Footprint

Our expertise extends over two areas:

A bit of them

A single entry point to an AI and Data network

Beyond its skills and expertise, U-need has developed an ecosystem allowing it to mobilize exceptional multidisciplinarity.

A bit for you

Become U-Needer !

Shock teams at the service of a chic career.
U-Needers are constantly looking for new recruits. To assert your professional knowledge and improve your skills, apply for offers and join us.

Contact us

With 7 sites and sales offices in France, the UK and Canada, there are bound to be U-Needers near you.
The deployment is progressing at high speed, so don’t hesitate any longer and contact us.

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